Who made the flapper dress? – Plus Size Flapper Dress

October 30, 2020 0 Comments

Who paid for the fabric? Why was the dress made? Who wore it when she danced the ballroom? A great many questions are answered in this play about an aspiring dancer in her teen years. She’s in a relationship, but is he getting any? Has her new dance style changed the music they play in bed? What happened to her father and whether she would have the same experience had she started a relationship with him?

You can order The Ballroom Girl from Amazon by clicking here.



The number of American businesses losing billions in market share to China is a real worry for the country’s leaders (the last decade also saw US firms losing billions). While Chinese companies are the largest foreign investors in the US, they’re not the only ones who are trying to break into other countries.

But if Chinese companies have not had enough success in the US, they’re certainly starting to think about how to expand into new markets. In fact, many of them are already thinking about what goes behind that giant cash register you see on the front door at the grocery or retail store.

For example, one Beijing based company is already considering where it might want to build its new headquarters. It’s a question that seems to be getting more and more attention.

What’s the big deal with a Chinese company looking to expand abroad?

This week, a major article appeared in the London Financial Times that looks at a Chinese company in the Netherlands that decided not to expand into the US.

What makes the report more unsettling is that a number of these companies are doing more business in China than they’ve ever done before.

The company is called Xiamen Capital and it’s a private equity firm that has invested in over 150 US companies through its investment fund, Xiamen Partners. According to Xiamen Partners’ statement, these investment have brought the total number of Chinese investments in US companies to over 150. Xiamen is currently investing a total of roughly $20bn into the US (and also in UK and Australia).

The Netherlands is a top contender for Chinese investment

According to an article from the UK Financial Times, Chinese companies are looking to expand into Europe. That’s because the Netherlands is a leading contender for Chinese investment. So Chinese businesses are looking to make the most of that opportunity.

The reason why this is relevant is because China’s leaders have publicly talked about the benefits that come with having more and more foreign investments in their economy

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