How many guitar chords are there? – Best Way To Learn Guitar Reddit

October 30, 2020 0 Comments

A lot. You should count them. The “four” chord is the most common, so there are two of them. Then there are the “three” chords, and the “one” chord. There are so many, it’s hard to keep track of which ones exist. These are our three chord types, and they’re each used to indicate whether or not a scale line exists.

“What chord does this scale appear on?” I’ll ask you. “How many times do you need to tell me that we’ve got a scale line here?”

“Four” to “two”

These are in every major scale. It gets more and more complex, but the major scale is built up of three sections. The major third (4th), the major sixth (6th), and the minor third (3rd). These can be placed next to either the scale line or one below it.

Let’s say you’re in a blues and you need a blues scale that has a major third or a minor third. Here’s some blues scales that don’t have those markings:

Major Blues:

Major 3rd

Major 6th

Minor Blues:

Minor 3rd

Minor 6th

Major 6th

Major 1st

Major 7th

Minor 1st

Major 1st

Minor 7th

Minor 1st

Minor 7th

Major 1st

Minor 1st

Minor 7th

Major 3rd

Major 6th

Minor 3rd

Minor 4th

Minor 5th

Major 4th

Major 3rd

Major 6th

Minor 3rd

Minor 4th

Minor 5th

Major 4th

Major 3rd

Major 6th

Minor 6th

Minor 3rd

Minor 6th

Major 6th

Minor 5th

Minor 4th

Major 3rd

Major 3rd

Major 6th

Wonderful Tonight by Eric Clapton Guitar Tabs Chords Sheet ...
Major 6th

Minor 3rd

Minor 6th

Major 6th

Minor 1st

Major 7th

Minor 1st

Major 1st

Minor 7th

Minor 1st

Minor 6th

Minor 3rd

Major 3rd

Minor 3rd

Minor 6th

Major 6th

Minor 7th

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