What age is best to start piano lessons? – Best Way To Learn Piano Keyboard

October 3, 2020 0 Comments

Starting with children of all ages is difficult because the brain is not yet fully developed. It will take a good deal of effort, practice and persistence for children to learn how to play all the keys correctly.

This is why it’s important to start with a child who is old enough to be able to pick up a piano. There’s a great deal of research showing that as children aged, they were more likely to become dissatisfied with their skills and their playing. A good child to start with is about 5/3 or 2, if you are under 9 you should try to start with a child aged 7 or 8.

If you have an adult with you you can play alongside your child, this is especially important as your learning process has to be coordinated.

When starting piano lessons it’s important that you have a warm and friendly atmosphere, this usually takes the place of a teacher, however there’s no need to have a loud teacher or play loud music. If you do choose to use a loud music source you could create some noise by pushing your ears hard against a table so the sound waves bounce back, this doesn’t hurt your ears but if you’re not happy with the sound bounce back the right way to make a noise.

How to start playing piano?

Try playing with the child’s older brother or sister to get used to the feeling and the feel of the keyboard itself as well as making sure the piano is in good condition. Try playing different passages or scales using different strings and different fingering so you get a good handle for the piano and can start to feel out what works for you.

Don’t worry that your child is playing too fast, it’s just about playing at the right speed. This doesn’t mean you should play as fast as an adult. If you’re playing fast you may need a bit of practice to get it right. If you can’t play fast without using fingers to play, you might try using a non-musical instrument such as a smartphone. Once you’ve mastered the piano, you can start to practise using this instrument or a digital device. Be gentle with you child as you keep going.

Learning piano

When you first start teaching yourself piano, the first step is getting a piano, this is easy really it just follows like any other piece of music, the key changes from the beginning. The key is the smallest change in pitch so this is your number one teacher, the key that will teach you the most important thing.

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