How do you start a rhyme? – Rock N Learn Multiplication Rap Opening Night

September 17, 2020 0 Comments

At some point, there’s gotta be a rhyme. It’s almost as if the rhyme isn’t there. You start in some place. A rhyme starts with a word or phrase that you’re trying to say. So when you say the word, “rhyme,” what do you do?”
It’s more than a word, then? There’s gotta be some underlying concept behind it. And if you have to start with a sound or a verb, then you start with that sound. So it’s a little bit like a wordless rhyme.
Okay, but what about a rhyme with an expression? I’d like to hear it. The first thing you might do is say, “I’m going to rhyme with a sound.” “Rhyme with a sound,” “Rhyme that sounds a little bit like a thing?” That’s another kind of a rhyme. “Rhyme that sounds a little bit like a thing,” “Rhyme that doesn’t sound like a thing.” There’s a variety of rhyme patterns.

“Rhyme not with a sound ’cause that sounds like a sound,” you do what you did with “rhyme.” “Rhyme with a sound ’cause I just said that one, I’m just gonna rhyme with that one.”
Or you might try doing “Rhyme not like .  It doesn’t sound like a thing.” “Rhyme not like.” “Rhyme not like.”
It comes in so many forms. It could be, “Rhyme not like .  Like.” It could be, “Rhyme not like .  It sounds like a thing.”
It just comes in so many, so many shapes and sizes. You’re only making yourself a little bit more complicated. I’ve always been more interested in what’s called a “metric meter.” That is, what’s the one, and what’s the other side of it. There’s a little bit more to it. But for the most part, it’s just rhyming. It’s a pattern of words that have to do with each other, with a theme.
Do you have to write a bunch of words in a row?
Well, then, it doesn’t rhyme. Do you ever get any satisfaction from rhyming down and rhyming up?
A lot of people are unhappy about rhyming down and rhyming up.
Well, then they know

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