Can you learn to sing in 6 months? – How To Learn Singing Notes Birthdays

November 29, 2020 0 Comments

I think the only thing I can learn in 6 months is the ability to sing a little bit.

What kind of music do you like?

My favorites have to do with jazz and funk. Also, I’ll be playing rock, rap, etc.

Do you have any hobbies?

Well, my best hobbies are driving my car and watching YouTube.

Name 1 thing you have done well this year for you.

I have been playing a lot of different instruments.

Name 2 things you have done well this year for you.

I just spent a month practicing with a guitar and bass.

Favorite holiday or occasion?

I love spending holidays at my family. I love spending holidays with my family even though I don’t get to visit them every year.

Most memorable moment in your life?

The happiest moment is when I finally found my true calling in life.

What is your favorite thing about your country?

I love my country, it’s like my second home.

What would you change about your country?

Something I would change (at least how I see things) is how I am treated by everyone

What would you like to do for fun at the end of the year?

I really don’t know… I hope to visit some mountain areas in Switzerland and the Alps

What makes you proud?

My family, my family, my family, my family…

Do you have any “goodbyes?”

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Yes, I wanted to say to family and friends I love you,

How did you get started in music?

I started playing music as a child and had a hobby as a baby.

Did you give up your music career because you didn’t want to work?

Actually, no I was doing a lot and I really enjoy playing, it’s just a hobby.

Will your country make you happy?

Definitely! I hope so!

How do you stay fit?

Oh for one, I’ve been to the gym twice a week for 2 years now, but I think it’s not that important, I just eat a healthy diet and exercise.

Do you think your singing is a hobby?

That’s for sure.

Name 3 things you are proud of having done this year.

I’ve been living a lot of different lives, going around the

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